A selection of tips and drills to help you improve your golf game

This page is dedicated to providing you with tips and drills to help you improve your golf game.

As I surf the net looking for information which I think will be of value, I often come across tips and drills, this page therefore will constantly be being updated as I find new information.

Our first drill is the "Head Still Drill"

I see many players move their heads excessively off the ball. This can result in an exaggerated hang-back-and-hit move that usually results in a weak slice. To control head motion so that only natural rotation occurs try the following: Place a broken shaft in the ground about one foot past the ball, but directly on line with your nose. Angle the shaft so that it points directly at your head, but doesn't interfere with your swing. Practice your swing, keeping your eyes on the end of the shaft. It will be very easy to detect any excessive sideways head motion.

Here is a tip on the SET UP

Having good posture is critical to a successful golf swing. To learn to feel the correct amount of flex in your knees, and also create the ideal body angles at address, try this drill: Address the ball as you would normally and then hold the shaft of a club along the length of your spine. Get used to the feeling of sticking your rear-end out slightly, and matching the angle of your spine with the line of the shaft of the club. As you begin to feel more comfortable with this position, start to hit half shots. Now you have established a solid foundation from which to swing.

Here's another good putting drill for you to work on ideally in front of a mirror at home.

Trap the shaft of a club underneath your arms, across your chest, and address the ball as normal.

As you putt, make sure the shaft remains firmly in place against your chest.

This will help you maintain the necessary shoulders and arms triangle formation, which is essential to a solid, repeating putting stroke.