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Golf Stretching Exercises - Put Some Flexibility In Your Golf Swing

By Mandy Fain

You would be amazed at what a little stretching can do to your golf game. Flexibility is an important part of a good golf swing. If your muscles are tense and out of shape, you can really have a hard time controlling the club. In the worst case scenario, you can pull one of your golfing muscles and be out of commission for weeks!

Stretching is easy and you can do it practically anywhere. Try out these golf stretching exercises and watch the results.

Over Your Head Any kind of stretches that extend your arms over your head can help with your backswing. You can clasp your hands together, turn your arms inside out, and reach for the sky. Don't stop until you feel it pulling.

Or, try this: simply grip your club and take it over your head, stretching all the way back until you feel the stretch. Over the head stretching is great for your shoulders and can help sharpen up your backswing.


Another thing you can do with your shoulders is rotate them. Work your shoulders frontways or backward in a circle a little bit. Keeping these muscles loose and limber will prevent painful shoulder injuries.

Knees To Chest

Here is one that you can do lying on the floor. Lay on your back with your neck in a comfortable position and your legs straight. Gradually bring one of your legs up so that your knee is almost to your chest. Clasp your hands in the crook of your leg and hold it for about a half a minute. Then, take a breath and do the other.

This stretch is great for your lower back muscles. Your lower back muscles are among the most-injured in playing golf. Flexible lower back muscles will also help your body rotate more naturally when you make a swing.

Stretching The Hamstrings

Your hamstring muscles in the upper part of your legs get quite a workout when you're golfing. An easy way to stretch your hamstring muscles is to stand up, lean on your club or some other object for support, and extend your right foot. Keep your knee straight with your heel to the ground and toes pointing outward, and gently stretch for that foot. You should feel a pull in the hamstrings. Stretch a few times and switch legs.

Try An Exercise Ball

If you really want to get into some advanced stretching, try out an exercise ball. You can buy inflatable exercise balls at any fitness shop. Exercise balls make stretching fun and easy. You can do some really simple stretches with a ball, so that it doesn't even feel like you're exercising at all!

Stretch Safely

You should always stretch before and after any kind of physical activity. It is also really important to breathe when you are stretching. Take deep breaths between stretches, keep your breathing steady and don't strain yourself. Stretch until you feel a pull, then give it a rest.

These golf stretching exercises are only the tip of the iceberg. There are lots of stretches you can use. Make your own stretching routine that exercises every part of your body at least a little.

You can also find more information at golf short game and natural golf tips. GetGoodAtGolf.com is a comprehensive resource golf enthusiast to improve their game through helpful tips and instructions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mandy_Fain

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