One golf wedge in your bag is not enough!
The golf wedge, nowadays most professional and amateur golfers carry more then one in their bags, some may carry as many as four.It is probably the most "nervy" club we use and it can cost us a lot of shots around the green if we dont get it right, remember all those double hits!! because we didnt follow through properly, or the 6 inch shots we make because we lifted our head. I could go on with a list of the errors I have made but I dont want to bore you or reduce you to tears of laughter I mean. Have a look at our Golf tips page there maybe something there that could help if you are having problems. There are basically four types of golf wedges available. They are used for different shots around the green, if you can master them you will see your handicap improve quite dramatically. It goes without saying that "practice makes perfect"
The Pitching Wedge. This is used for shots from around 100 - 120 yds. from the green, the loft on this club is normally around 46 up to 51 degrees. The Sand Wedge As the name implies it is generally used to play shots from out of bunkers though it can also be used closer to the green. The loft on this club is steeper normally around 54 - 57 degrees. When you purchase a set of clubs these two w are included, the next two are a bit more specialised and require to be purchased separately. The Gap Wedge This one falls between the pitching and sand versions and generally has a loft of 51-53 degrees. The Lob Wedge This one is for all the budding Phil Micklesons out there, it allows you to play the "flop shot" and other finesse shots around the green. The loft is generally around 60 - 64 degrees. You should spend a lot of time practising with these clubs as they will save you lots of shots around the green.
For a comprehensive selection of golf wedges, why not visit our "Preferred Suppliers", and dont forget to check out their specials. golf wedges Scottsdale Golf
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