The pendulum-putting-stroke5
Reading the greens
Now that we have covered pendulum-putting-stroke5 basics, lets move on to another very important aspect in putting. How to Read The Greens When you start talking about reading greens, choosing a line for a putt, and getting the right amount of pace (speed) on a putt, then you're talking about the meat and potatoes of putting – the stuff that makes it possible to break new scores every time you play. You want to start by paying attention to the focus needed on making the right read on a putt. Speed also counts, but we will discuss that later. Also, I must point out, however, that you have to keep the speed of the putt in mind when assessing the break of the putt. They do go hand-in-hand; one cannot be accomplished without the other. Having said that, here are the pointers you need to be familiar with in the pendulum-putting-stroke5 as you look over a putt attempting to get a fix on the proper line: Set The Correct Target Spot When you are trying to determine the line of a putt, the primary thing you are looking for is setting your target spot. Most putts never travel in a perfectly straight line to the hole, which makes your target spot some place other than the hole. Sometimes it is, but not too often, especially when dealing with longer putts. So your target spot on any putt that has even a little break is the highest point on the line of the break. In other words, if the putt breaks from left to right, the point where it stops moving left and starts breaking right is your target spot. Your target spot is always the highest point of the break. That's not to say that all putts break in two equal halves. No matter – the high point in your line is always the target spot. The alignment of your putter and your body, and the line of your stroke, depend entirely on finding this target spot in your line. Assess Your Environment Early Your mind has to soak up a ton of information to establish your target point so begin that process as you approach the green. Even if your ball is not on the green, you should be checking your overall setting of the green as you approach it. What you're looking for is any dominant feature of the immediate landscape. An entire green might be sitting at an angle. It helps to see that because, depending upon the severity of that angle, it could counteract some of the stuff you see on the green itself. You should also be looking for any big hills off to the sides of the greens, or be aware of the fact that the entire hole you're playing is set into the side of one huge hill. If you happen to be playing around mountains, look for the biggest ones. All ground tends to run uphill toward them. Don't forget keep practising your pendulum-putting-stroke5, as I have said before "practice makes perfect". Happy Putting!! For more great information on golf pendulum-putting-stroke5
You can find the rest of the articles in this series at the links below. How to apply the pendulum-putting-stroke Setting up pendulum-putting-stroke pendulum-putting-stroke Applying the technique pendulum-putting-stroke choosing the correct putter
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