Golf tips and information for todays golfer

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Aug 05, 2013

Golf tips how to golf tips on improving your game? you will find them here

A range of golf tips and drills to help you improve your game

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Aug 05, 2013

Discover the history of golf, a look at how and where golf began

read about the origins of this great game of golf an interesting look at the history of golf

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Aug 04, 2013


I never really played golf as any sort of a serious endeavor until the spring/summer of 2011. At the end of the golf season in 2010 I met up with a fella

Continue reading "Freak."

Aug 02, 2013

No articles anymore

What really annoys me is the annoying shorthand way of speaking. Instead of saying He's hitting a 5-iron to the 17th green, they say He's hitting 5-iron

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Aug 02, 2013

A couple of things

First of all, the term perfect NEVER should be used to describe human endeavor. Our imperfection, after all, is what makes us human. That being stated,

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